Pokémon GO
483 Million+
Over 4 years of age
461 M+
- CategoryAdventure
- OSAndroid
- PriceFree
- Installs483 Million+
- Age4+
- Updated2023-12-13
- Size461 M+
Game Description
Experience the thrill of battling other Pokémon GO Trainers online in the all-new GO Battle League! Join millions of Trainers from around the world who are embarking on exciting journeys to discover and capture Pokémon in their own neighborhoods. With over 1 billion downloads, Pokémon GO has become a global sensation, recognized as the 'Best Mobile Game' and 'Best App of the Year.' Explore the world around you, complete your Pokédex, team up with other Trainers, and engage in epic Gym battles and Raid Battles to catch powerful Pokémon. Get ready to embark on real-life adventures and become a Pokémon master!
App Store
Google Play
Recommanded Games
How To Play
1: Uncover the world of Pokémon by exploring and discovering them wherever you are.
2: Catch as many Pokémon as you can to complete your Pokédex and become a true collector.
3: Journey alongside your Buddy Pokémon to strengthen your team and earn rewards.
4: Compete in epic Gym battles to prove your skills and conquer tough opponents.
5: Team up with fellow Trainers during Raid Battles to capture powerful Pokémon. It's time to get moving and let the adventure begin! Remember, accurate location information and network connectivity are recommended for the best experience. Happy hunting!